Take a quick look at the brief comparison of the main mobile operators of Kyrgyzstan. Learn the pros and cons of each operator and how to get your Kyrgyz SIM card.
Osh is the most convenient place to head towards Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan and the largest city in Central Asia. The road, apart from border crossing and currency exchange, lasts approximately 5-6 hours (depending on whether your driver is a Formule-1 racer in his imagination). There are two options for getting from Osh to Tashkent: car or train. Both options have their pros and cons.
The end of October is when trees finally dress into yellow, red and brown colors. Most of fruits have already been harvested. However, among the shades of gold and brown there is one exceptional tree. Its leaves are still green with golden fruits among them. Fruits are the size of an apple or pear and have a cute fuzz on top. The fuzz is believed to protect this fruit from cold. People with enough knowledge in gardening won’t harvest its fruits till the real cold arrives.
If you are planning to travel to Uzbekistan from Osh, you have to cross the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border through Dostuk (Dostlik) checkpoint. This post provides the latest updates and details that aim to easen your border-crossing experience.